Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Designing Swanky Mom: Cozy Moments

Designing Swanky Moms is a group (support group per se) of moms who share one simple thing: the love of all things crafts! Just plug "DSM" into your Etsy search and you'll see their amazing creativity. For more info or to join to group, visit them at Now, let me get back into my weekly routine (after a short hiatus) of featuring just one of those hard-working, swanky mammas.

Name: Michelle
Etsy Shop: Cozy Moments

Q: Tell us about your shop.
A: We make products that will pamper you and soothe your senses - moisture-rich bars of Soap, creamy, pampering Bath & Body Products, and richly scented Natural Soy Wax Candles/Tarts.

Q: What or who inspires you?
A: People who feel the fear and do it anyway.

Q: What powerful/creative woman do you love?
A: Helen Keller. She always inspired me even as a child. She was so amazingly strong to be both deaf and blind yet become the inspiration to many that she was. Helen's own approach to life can be summed up by her advice to a five-year-old blind child in 1932: "Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the face."

Q: Any tips on juggling motherhood and a business?
A: Remember what is most important. Prioritize. Try to involve your children in your craft (age permitting of course).

Thanks, Michelle! In appreciation, you are welcome to take 10% off anything in my shop, even my new line of personalized notecards!

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